Lost Creek Riparian Revegetation
Elijah Bristow State Park and private land near Dexter, OR
Target Habitat
Riparian habitat
Project Size
46 acres
Private landowners, Oregon Parks and Recreation Department (landowner)


Lost Creek is a high priority restoration area within Middle Fork Willamette Watershed because it is one of only two undammed tributaries. The confluence of Lost Creek with the Middle Fork Willamette is just downstream from Dexter Dam, the first in a series of three large dams on the river. Lost Creek’s location means that it can provide an escape from the big water of the mainstem and access to better spawning grounds, which has led the Council to work here for many years removing invasive species along the streambanks and planting native riparian vegetation. The native vegetation provides better shade, keeping the water cool for fish. The native vegetation also provides great habitat for all kinds of terrestrial and avian species.