Wallace Creek


Private land near Jasper, OR

Target Habitat

Oak savanna



Project Size

13 acres



MFWWC performs restoration projects of all shapes and sizes with a variety of public and private partners. One of the projects that has received the most love is our smallest. Paul and his family have been planning an oak restoration project on their land near Jasper for four years. In the fall and winter of 2016/17, Paul, his daughter, Gabby, and his parents planted over 200 trees, including Oregon white oak, ponderosa pine, red-osier dogwood, and Pacific madrones, as well as hundreds of native wildflowers including Oregon sunshine, elegant lupine, and meadow checker-mallow. Paul and his family are excited to watch the new landscape take shape as the trees grow and the wildlife visit! This project was funded by the Oregon Watershed Enhancement Board Small Grants Program. If you are a local landowner interested in pursuing a project on your land that would improve the health of the watershed, please contact us!


Paul, landowner, and his daughter Gabby planting Oregon white oaks on their property near Jasper
Sunset over the oak savanna
Paul planted several hundred Oregon sunshine wildflowers in the meadow.
But then the elk found them…